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Showing posts from June, 2022

Clean app startup (WPF)

Simple easy to read code is the building blocks for complex applications, and to this end, the is how I now start all desktop apps (written in XAML / WPF). This is nothing new (and not original) but it's been refined & destilled down to a point of simpliclity :) Single line written once and forgotten about... Need to add Exception handling - write it in a Module... Need to add Heartbeat monitoring - write it in a Module... Using DI - do it in a Module... Startup XAML - guess what, done in a Module... Want only one instance of the app - do it in a Module... So lifting from my updated Simple.Wpf.Template on gitHub , I have the following set of Modules defined - this forms the basis for all apps I'm asked to develop for clients: The complexity is hidden away in the ModuleLoader class, simple put this scans & loads any type with the ModuleConfigurationAttribute, orders the Modules according to the properties of the Attribute and dynamically invokes the Modules. Check out th...

Benchmarking DateTime.ToString("...")

Looking to eek-out as much perf as I can from some code (C#) at work, and looking at all the .ToString() manipulations in the code and I came across the following: How can I quickly workout if I want to do something around this? BenchmarkDotNet to the rescue, and this library really does make benchmarking easy (and fun!). I created an overload of the extension method which internally uses a cache to avoid the repeative ToString() calls: Only small issue was wanting to test a Static methods, and this only involved creating a wrapper class with annotated methods(calling the static implementations), also preloaded the internal cache: Results below, make-of-it what you will...

Rx EventAggregator<T> for desktop apps

In my continuing (point-less) mission to avoid using anything related to MS Prism - a quick implementation of an EventAggregator using Rx - took about 5 minutes to write for a problem I currently have, normally try and avoid using such a pattern as it can lead the scattering of business logic which can hard to 'follow' when refactoring / re-visting code. Trying to kepp the interace as simple and obvious as possible (symetric design) - this will be injected by the container: Simple base event class, not thing special at the moment, might add a timestamp in the future, but more likely to do that with Rx on the event stream using the apply named Timestamp method: Included a simplifed Schedulers wrapper - idea being you can get any of the Rx Schedulers in one place, and importantly makes unit testing easier: Show me the money...