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Showing posts from January, 2014

Simple F# REPL in WPF - part 4

This is the final post in this mini series, I'm going to show the finished UI user control and how simple it is to host inside a WPF app. The code is available on gitHub  and the published binaries are available via nuGet  (supports .Net version 4.0+). Before I show the finished UI, lets look at the F# Interactive in Visual Studio, this loads, queries & displays the results from an external assembly: What does this look like in my implementation? It's looks pretty familiar right? :) The major difference is I've output the working folder for the F# interactive process when the process starts: I've made this configurable in code, so I thought it would be a good idea to tell the end user where they could put any assemblies they want to reference. How can the user access the working folder? Simply, a right click menu: All the menu options should be obvious, the working folder for the above example is shown below, you can see it has the assembly re...

Managing themes in WPF

Having just published Simple.Wpf.Terminal as a nuget package I wanted the ability to skin the user control - the more flexibility in the way it looks the more likely it will be used by other devs :) Before getting into the detail, lets look at the solution working in the test harness for my WPF F# REPL Engine , shown below are four different themes applied dynamically at run-time - no recompilation required to change the theme: Previously in larger WPF apps I've relied upon third-party control vendors like Telerik to provide theming support. Typically they provide good solutions to the problem with multiple themes supported as standard, and when you're already using their third party controls the use of their themes makes sense. But when you're developing a small UI component you don't want to add (& support) such a large footprint just to add themes to your niche control. A theme is a collection of Styles grouped into a ResourceDictionary in WPF. A ...