I've blogged before about hosting web services created with Web API inside a test fixture in .Net, what follows is the same idea but in this case hosting a node.js implemented web service, this is using the node.js server I created in this previous post. Jumping straight to the solution this is what I came up with: As you can I've managed to reduce the amount required to be specified for each test fixture to 3 parameters: working directory for node.js server, full path to the node executable, node server name and any arguments (note the port number). The implementation detail has been pushed into the base class - WebServiceIntegrationFixtureBase. Before showing the implementation for this class, the test runner & fiddler outputs are shown below: The base class implementation is shown below, as you can probably guess this uses the Process class from the System.Diagnostics namespace: Loading .... As you can see there isn't much going on, the...