I have an observable sequence and I want to observe only a defined number of values, the number is immaterial, the important part is the fact I don't want to be notified of any further values. How can this can be achieved? The answer is easy, use the Rx extension method Take , it'll return the required number of values only. A simple example: 1: Observable.FromEventPattern<RoutedEventArgs>(clickButton, "Click" ) 2: .Take(1) 3: .ObserveOn(Scheduler.CurrentThread) 4: .Subscribe(vt => Debug.WriteLine( "{0}: Click called..." , ++count)); When the button is clicked in the UI it produces a line in the output window in visual studio: So using the Take method I can limit the number of observations irrespective of the number of times I click the 'Click Me!' button: 1: Observable.FromEventPattern<RoutedEventArgs>(clickButton, "Click" ) 2: .Take(1) 3: .Observ...