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Showing posts from August, 2012

Celebrity Async Deathmatch - round 1

I'm working on an app with lots of asynchronous stream processing done using Rx (Reactive Extensions) - IObservable<T> method. We were discussing the other day whether to replace the implementations which only return a single data item via the Rx stream with the more standard TPL (Task Parallel Library) Task<T> method. We came to the conclusion we wouldn't make the switch for a couple reasons, firstly keeping the code consistency, we're using Rx everywhere for async so why change; and secondly with a possibly more important reason because performance isn't an issue (at the moment). Then I thought.... What's the performance difference between IObservable<T> and Task <T>  for a single async invocation? A simple console app should do, running IObservable<T> vs Task<T> and the quickest wins - reminds me of Celebrity Deathmatch ... Firstly we need something to test, calculating the first 100 primes: All I need now is...

Using PostSharp for AOP with Reactive Extensions

I'm currently working on a project with @HamishDotNet  & @LordHanson where we make heavy use of Rx (Reactive Extensions) for processing streams of data which are generated asynchronously. We have multiple pipeline processes based around an Rx stream, they look something like this: The method Sequence returns an instance of IObservable<T>  which is then acted upon by 4 or 5 methods before the Subscriber is called, some of these methods might mutate the state along the way. The important part is the idea of the pipeline to process the Rx stream as it is generated by the asynchronous Sequence method. So what I wanted to do is log what's going on - how long each step takes (in the pipeline) as well as how long the Rx stream is alive and when the stream generates a value. The issue we have is we don't want to overly modify the code just support such logging\telemetry. I don't want to end up with something like this: Don't get me wrong, if I had only ...