This post was prompted by my use of back end third party services for the FINDaPAD app and my recent set of posts about push pins and Bing Maps control. I want to explore the affect the design of the back end services can have on a mobile app UX & UI design. For FINDaPAD we make use of two sets of third party services, Nestoria & UK Crime API . Nestoria is a property search service for the UK and other countries whilst UK Crime API provides crime information for England & Wales, we use the second to generate crime stats for a local area when viewing a property in FINDaPAD. Even though Nestoria claim on their website ' The API is very much a work in progress.' I believe this be a well thought out API from a consumers perspective, it has a compact data schema (JSON or XML) and it enforces a pagination convention on the consumer which has a bigger benefit for mobile app development than for full blown desktop for the simple reason of CPU performa...